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Venus Rx Scorpio 2018 πŸ¦‚ written by Keelee Hudson


That one time Venus went Rx in Scorpio ♏️ ...

“God save the Queen” 

Last year when Venus went retrograde in Scorpio. That very day.. (Oct. 3-5, 2018) My dreams of a beautiful, care free, living my best life w/mahhh best frannd o/ #Yolo #BonnieAndClyde #TwinFlame ... you get the pic. Well, that was the day the tower came crashing down all around me, and believe it or not... I made 1 more desperate, no πŸ€”2 more attempts at trying to make the Illusionof what was... come back to me... but, what had been felt could never be unfelt..😞⚡️

Everything I had been preparing for, was for that moment.. the moment I fell from the darkness; I had been climbing in a state of desperate hoping, that there truly was a light at the end of this cold, dark tunnel. 
(Translation: There was truly a light within my ex..?? I had felt his light once... hadn’t I..? πŸ€”

** This is the moment I started to see everything around me differently πŸ‘€**

I was officially diagnosed with C-PTSD. I had been through an emotional plane crash where there   were casualties... my 3D ego died. Then, I had to get to a place where I was actually starving before I could allow myself to reach out for help “caw caw πŸ¦…” 
I was literally experiencing the same level of stress that a Veteran of war experiences. 
But.. guess what I can’t explain to people why it is I am so deeply disconnected with reality. 

I have trained myself how to act, talk and look like a regular person. I have many, many “How to Be/Act Normal” mental manuscripts on deck 24/7. 
(I had never related more with AI until I realized thatπŸ˜‚πŸ€–πŸ™ˆ

I had to sit with myself. I had to feel, and visualize every single thought that came into my mind. I had to understand the process/cycle of letting go. I had to learn how to forgive. (Now, personally if I’m going learn something.. I’m going to learn it from it’s very core...πŸ‘©πŸ»‍πŸ’») So, I had to teach myself how to learn (πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦πŸ»‍♀️) I had to go inside my mind, and figure out the mechanics of how I process information. 

Why do I have a hard time retaining information? 
You have to be in the moment. 
Learn how to be in the moment. 
Once, I started to get better at grounding myself via the techniques I had learned... (from learning how to be in the moment) I started noticing things that I wasn’t able to notice before πŸ‘€

As I adjusted to my new perspectiveπŸ€“
I still made sure to remember why I embarked on this little quest.. which was ‘To learn how to retain information easily’. This seemingly basic question actually sent me on a journey that I never expected πŸ‘€. But, hey I can actually retain information nowπŸ’πŸ»‍♀️

So, rule # 1 
Always have a clear understanding with yourself as to why you are choosing to explore the reasons as to why you are questioning something. You need to always be able to come back to where your journey first began, because things will come up that throw you off course. Then, you find yourself in confusion. 

It’s kind of interesting, though.. I’ve always been called “ditzy, air head, etc”, and it was actually deep trauma that had caused me to present myself the way I did, when I was younger. If people only knew the Duality in which we exist in.. they’d lose their fucking minds🀯No one wants to know that the reason why Little Sally is so spacey/awkward.. because if they knew the hell that Little Sally lives.. the hell that others call home..πŸ‘€.

Yeah, so that was just one of many black holes I had to go down, within myself, in order to recover from Venus Rx in Scorpio 2018



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