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The Mirror of Duality, and The Veil of Illusion🦎 written by Keelee Hudson

                                PHOTO: PIXABAY

In trying to form a visual perspective of how exactly the beings that feed off of light, operate within 3D reality. Thus, exposing the 3D false construct. 
I’m seeing how they use tools (the Mirror and the Veil) to create the illusion of what IS light, and what IS dark. 

They absorb your light through the veil. 
The Veil is necessary in order to keep you from actually seeing what they are doing.  
They suck in your light in order to feed. 
(Ex. Sanderson Sisters. 
They needed to suck out, and devour the souls of innocent children.)
To feed their Masks. 
They live for their masks. 
Their masks mean more to them than anything else in this world..
Their mask is THE tool they use to feed. 
W/o the mask.. they wouldn’t be able to get the right frequency of energy that is necessary to their very existence. 
Reptilian beings need to absorb your light in order to feed their mask. 
The mask in which they have created, in order to disguise themselves. 
Each mask has been expertly crafted to each reptilian’s individual preferences. 

They use The Veil of Illusion to pull  you in. 
(Ex. Side Show Bob trying to trick you into playing a carnival game that is impossible to win. The only winner is Side Show Bob. You’ve exhausted yourself, and now you must go on to replenish your losses. While Side Show Bob never loses.) 
Really, it’s just a black darkness.. if you look in, and are charmed you can make a choice to pay a price to see more...
Only thing is... the depths are infinite.. you will be paying a high price to fall down the Dark Black Hole of illusion, that is completely not natural.
And, if you find yourself falling into the darkness of illusion.. 
the reptile will use his mirror/s to project into your body all the things that are evil about them. 
The reptile is able to pull you out of the Black Hole Illusion anytime he chooses. (This is actually a tactic known as the “Carrot and Stick Approach”) 
It is you that can’t figure out if it’s real or not.. the moment you realize it’s an illusion...
The moment you realize, that you are not experiencing a natural human experience..
The moment you realize,  you are only being manipulated into a human experiment..
That’s when you stop falling. 
That’s when you look around you, and realize what is real. 
As you find yourself flat on a hard stone surface.(Aka. Rock Bottom) 
That’s when you realize... you were falling into an illusion. 
It wasn’t real. 

The reptiles learned how to reflect light. 
The light beings create light. 
The light beings are light.
The light beings were created from light. 

Visualize a Yin Yang...

The Veil of Illusion IS the Dark. 
The Mirror of Dual Reflection IS the Light. 

The Darkness within the Light is the reptilian portal to your soul. 
With that Badge of Darkness sealed on your soul...
You are literally a walking Light Being with a  portal to hell sealed directly onto your heart. 
Your light is their badge of acceptance. 
When you inflict shame and guilt upon yourself.. 
You seal the deal... with your light given willingly..  (willingly according to the laws that govern this device of Illusion) 
The Light within the Darkness is your light. 
(Think White Hole. Only light can escape a White Hole. Your light pours into them via the White Hole portal they created with their device of illusion) 
The Mirror of Dual Reflection is a construct created by the reptiles, so they could use mirrors to bend Light. 
With these mirrors the reptiles are able to bend your Light into themselves. 
They are also able to reflect their Darkness(Dark Energy and Dark Matter) into you 

There are two sides to every coin, and apparently their are two sides to every yin yang. 
What I have described to you is how the 3D False Paradigm Matrix of Reality is harvesting light. 
So, if that is their version of how Yin and Yang works... what is our version? 
If you are a Light Being and this is the only paradigm of reality you know.. physically. 
But, you know it’s not right. 
What would the flipped side of the 3D Yin Yang.. Look like? 

Thank you for stopping by, 
Keelee Hudson


  1. I love this! Sorry it took me so long to get to it but this really sky rockets my senses because you know how I am about darkness and light and the balance between the two and traversing those paths and what lies beneath its surface the winding twisting ways and the creatures hiding in their perspective holes and what they are capable of this truly reminds me that vigilance is a constant because no matter how many times you woke from the illusion battled those emissaries of the dark you can easily get pulled back in or fall if you're not careful about the path you walk and what waits in veil watching constantly for weakness to feed on the light of your soul. I love this! You are truly amazing


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